Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Hallows eve

I suppose if I didnt have kids I'd really loath this holiday. I just rarely see the point to it but gotta love the fam. Even Jen dressed up!!!! :D

Liz "the juice", Officer Jen, Greatest American Hero Bray, and Officer Allan!

Love the bar code Liz.

Monday, May 25, 2009

with the sun setting

Liz enjoyed the wind thru her hair as the car was moving type of moment.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009


A cute pic of Liz, Alina and Kailee. (2 of pete's daughters) at the park.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Heart went bump

Its been an odd life changing few weeks I have to admit. And I've never considered the Maynes medical family history till now, but something tells me its relevant all of a sudden. Friday, the 9th of January, one I won't forget. Kind of one of those days I dont know how I made out alive. I somehow dodged being smashed to bits in one of the biggest I-15 semi truck accidents. Tires screeching, cars dodging and semi's smashing I sat in the middle of it all without a scratch. Thanking my lucky stars i drove off to work feeling like I just dodged a bullet. Heh, I landed in the hospital anyways. About 4:50 at work, it had been a really stressful day for me, my chest started to hurt with this gripping pain along with my jaw and left arm. Ive had the feeling several times before just the months leading up to this so I figured it would go away like it had before. It did, about 6:30 i started to feel better. I've assumed it was panic and anxiety that was causing it, which would explain all the swelling feelings I've been getting in the chest for the past month. Anyways, I went about my normaly friday night activities went to bed and about 1am my chest pains woke me up again and I knew something was really wrong. I paced the floor for a bit thinking and debating if it was really E.R. worthy. (Yes yes, Maynes men are notorious for this type of thing.) Jen just having taken her sleep med she got up and woke her sister Les to drive us to the ER. By the time we got to IHC, I was pale, dizzzy and feeling like complete crap with the chest pains still there. Its amazing how fast ER's will process you if you say 2 magic words...."CHEST PAINS" zoom! they got me in a room and on all sorts of machines and meds. Morphein hmmm. Anyways turns out the blood tests showed I had a heart attack, even though the EKG showed normal. They sent me up to ICU for a while where Lynn and my Dad gave me a blessing, and they ran the gauntlet of tests. I have to admit, angiograms SUCK SUCK SUCK. Very painful proceedure. It showed a portion of my heart wasn't beating as vigoriously as the rest and what looks like where a blood clot may have been. Although they never found a clot, guessing its dissolved. So being down ranked to a normal hospital room I recovered from their tests and ate crappy hospital food. It was sooo weird being a 33 year old man amongst all the old people on that floor. I looked like a freak. See lol,

But it was so nice to have so many visitors. I'm really thankful for those that came to see me, call me, and text me on my phone. (Apparently they dont care so much about if you use a cell phone anymore...I was using mine in the ICU room lol). I got home on tuesday the 13th, with little answers but plenty of rest ahead of me. I'll post more when i know more, but right now its just meds for generality (blood thiners make me cold, and anti cholesterol make me tired). Looking back on things its easy to see the symptoms. I've been getting pains for months, even having the jaw pains since 08. Past few weeks I've had the tingly fingers but I just passed that off for sleeping wrong and bad circulation. :D

But im again so thankful for those that visited, called and keep calling to see how im doing.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dismantled M*A*S*H*

October 2008, Equity Title is 50% owned by First American title company and 50% owned by Orange Coast title. Due to the hard economical times Orange Coast title had a note come due and had to pay off quickly, to answer this they sold their 50% to First American title. (they kept 5% but who knows why). First American title being our new full time parent company and with full control switches things over to their way of doing things. I bit of quick background on "Fatco" is they have outsourced most of their title work to pheonix and india. So thus they running the show they closed our title plant here at equity title. Today feels like that last episode of M*A*S*H* where things are dismantled, people leave and hugs are given out. Most everyone was laid off, or the lucky ones were given jobs in the escrow portion of the company but all to leave the building eventually. I was one of the lucky ones, and am finding new and very exciting opportunities in Orem working for our escrow there as a Title Officer Liason. Feelings are bitter sweet to see friends let go but excited for the future and new ideas and chances.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kids at Pats work

This is my and my new nerdy beard. (t-shirt apporopriate) Becky said I look more trust worthy, but who knows about that. :D

They got a tour of the bike shop. Got some rides, i think they were a bit scared.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

You cannot

You cannot paint with your eyes held tight

open up your eyes child,

to see the light, be dark

must not paint so mild.

Quote from one of my favorite authors Paulo Coelho.

The way of the tiger

A man was walking through a forest when he saw a crippled fox. ‘I wonder how it manages to feed itself,’ he thought. At that moment, a tiger approached, carrying its prey in its mouth. The tiger ate its fill and left what remained for the fox.‘If God helps the fox, he will help me too,’ the man thought. He went back home, shut himself up in his house and waited for the Heavens to bring him food.Nothing happened. Just when he was becoming too weak to go out and work, an angel appeared.‘Why did you decide to imitate the crippled fox?’ asked the angel. ‘Get out of bed, pick up your tools and follow the way of the tiger!’

Yet each man kills the thing he loves
By each let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!(Ballad of Reading Jail, 1898)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ramblings of a crazy mind.

Its friday, so I find myself deep in thought. (for better or worse). While I generally don't toss up musings here I'm in the mood today.

We are powerful. Just don't realize it. It's funny, cause in a world we generally hate one thing. Chaos. Chaos is for the most part the one driving force of fear for all of us. Its why death scares us so much, or what keeps us working or keeps us striving to live a moral standard. All for fear of the chaos that comes from being tossed about in any fashion where we lack control. I think the biggest part of the LDS gospel is about gaining control. The ironic thing about the gospel is its vibe is think of others to save ourselves. Love thy neighbor, honor thy parents etc... The comfort of which isn't necessarily avoiding chaos, but having faith in what we are. ..which you may ask is what?

Being created from the very essense of our Heavenly Father. We are literally made from god material. God is the very pinacle of creation power. Thus I believe as his children we are blessed by the get go to be tiny power creators ourselves. Imagine if we realized this more. The entire earth is filled with life, animals fill their role, plants grow. But humans, we create. Whether we realize it and for good or evil we are filling what we were meant to do....our essence is to create to strive to create anything! Its our very makeup, we center our self dignity, self identity on our creations. Maybe its children, or our ability to survive, or perhaps our ability to make people laugh, or our ability to be lazy or evil.

I think about this, and in our world if feels more and more chaotic. I'm not sure if it really is more chaotic than previous generations. (Its kind of selfish to think it is I believe) or the fact that I'm getting older and realize more and more that it is already. There just seems to be this feeling in the LDS community that the latter days are just going to be aweful and chaotic, so we accept it more as the norm. Thats not really whats important. We lose personal power over our lives by accepting this. When crap happens and we feel like our lives are in chaos, we tend to turn towards the Lord more often than not. While that is good, I think we do ourselves a disservice by forgetting our first and foremost gift. Our ability to create. We MUST have faith in that ability. We are of God, there is no obstical that is too much. WE ARE POWERFUL. we just don't realize it enough. And perhaps by turning to the Lord, we beg for ways to impliment this power into solving our problems of chaos we will have more security.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Super savings!

Funny adventure we had at work. Perhaps to set the setting a bit, my office environment is ..well its faily manly. All guys, talk gets pretty locker room-ish. But its a bunch of great guys. That being said, we landed on the topic of grocery savings. (which in itself is kinda funny) Apparently Smiths was having a sale. 4 bags of cereal for four dollars. A friend of mine chimed in that he had internet coupons for a dollar off a bag of cereal. So in a nutshell, thats four dollars off the deal four for four. hmmmm doesn't seem bad does it? I can handle free. =D. Sooo all of us guys ALL went to smiths at the same time. You have to picture this... A bunch of guys, all in business casual clothes, holding bags of cereal all lined up. ....ALL with the same 4 dollar off coupons. So the first guy gets thru the clerk with no hassles. He takes off. Thats when the cleark gets skeptical and questions the rest of us. To make the story short, there was management verification checks and we all paid 24cents (for sales tax) on 4 bags of cereal. HOW DO YOU LIKE DEM SAVINGS?!! lol.

So here is a pic:

Monday, August 18, 2008

A few of my favorite computer backgrounds

Feel free to use em!


We enjoy our saturdays getting some chores done followed by lunch and jumping in the fountains. Sadly this time we got busted by the cops and they asked us to kindly get out. I don't
exactly remember my childhood going like that. If anything we did chores while mom or dad policed us. :D Sadly, our Maynes traditions haven't been faded and my kids feel the saturday punch of hard work and play.

This next picture actually has a story to go with it. To start my poor son Allan was extremly sick this day. Just sitting miserable on the couch. He had his bowl of soup and was watching tv. Liz was on the ground in front of him cutting her famous crafts. This was a large paper craft, beautiful and delicate. Well Brayden, strolled by and knocked Allan's soup onto the floor. Sending bits of chicken and noodle all over the floor and LIz ruining her project. Liz starts BAWLING, upset over her hard work being destroyed. Brayden starts BAWLING over Liz screaming and Allan is upset over his soup being gone. Peace and seconds to pure chaos of crying. Well, to tell the picture story, Allan he see's the situation. I'm unable to calm Liz or Bray down, so he takes on the big brother role. Gathers his siblings up on the couch. Puts his arms around them and soothes them like nobody else can. He glances up at his father, as if to say "I've got this one dad" and thats when i snapped the photo with my phone. Moments like that, I couldn't be prouder and he was making peace not just for peace sake but because he loves his family. And in one simple move he soothed Liz, Brayden myself and the spirit in the home.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Work funnies

I thought I'd post a sampling of the funny events or pics I see most days at work.

This was my desk before I got here.


And his bike:

Denise and Jeff

Sam keeps it interesting

Something funny someone sent me

Denise again with her awesome hair day